Open A


Our Open A team has always been powerhouse in the Canadian university ultimate scene, consistently placing in the top 5 of teams at Nationals. In 2022, they became the first Quebecois to enter the USA Ultimate College Series, where they placed 4th in the cutthroat Greater New England region.

In the fall, they hold two formal practices a week and compete at CQUUC I and II in Quebec, CEUUCs in Ontario, and CUUCs in mid-October. Open A is comprised of a driven, competitive group of frisbee players, pushing every year to win the Canadian championship. This past spring, Open A traveled down to Austin, TX for Centex 2022 where they came 2nd.

Open A aims to fly even higher in the coming years as they continue to travel south of the border to compete in the USAU College Series sectionals, regionals, and nationals.